fertility & infertility

Infertility is defined by the National Infertility Association, is the inability to conceive after 12 months of trying for women under the age of 35, and after six months for women over the age of 35 with one year of unprotected sex.  Approximately 30% of infertility cases are due to female factors, and another 30% are due to male factors. Therefore, it’s essential for both partners to be examined. Additionally, infertility can also refer to the inability to carry a pregnancy to full term. This challenging condition affects both women and men, often stemming from complex issues within the endocrine, nervous, and digestive systems, among others.

At Eastern Medicine Center, Dr. Jing Liu and Dr. Kevin Wang specialize in infertility treatments. They focus not just on alleviating symptoms but also on addressing the root causes of infertility. Their goal is to help women achieve optimal health, enabling them to conceive naturally. Additionally, they offer acupuncture support for those undergoing IVF, enhancing the chances of a successful outcome.

Patients from around the world travel to our clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, seeking the expertise of Dr. Liu and Dr. Wang. With their vast experience and personalized care, many couples have found success in starting the family they’ve longed for.

A Holistic Approach to Conception

Our approach emphasizes personalized treatments tailored to your menstrual cycle. As your body changes throughout the cycle, so do your treatments, including acupuncture points and herbal medicine. Dr. Jing Liu and Dr. Kevin Wang focus on addressing the root causes of infertility, not just the symptoms, aiming to help women achieve optimal health and conceive naturally.

Additionally, we offer acupuncture support for those undergoing IVF, enhancing the chances of a successful outcome. we collaborate with our patients’ OB-GYNs and Reproductive Endocrinologists to determine the underlying imbalance and design the most effective treatment plan. Often, we combine Western therapies with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for the best possible outcome. 

Treating Infertility with Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese medicine has long been used to support fertility, helping to:

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Reduce stress

  • Improve the function of the ovaries and uterus

  • Unblock tube obstructions

  • Balance hormones

  • Unexplained infertility

An experienced practitioner is essential for infertility treatments in Chinese medicine, as it requires an understanding of both Western and Eastern perspectives. Every patient’s body changes throughout their cycle, meaning treatments must be tailored to these changes. Be cautious of practitioners who offer the same treatment plan for every patient and every day, as a customized approach is key to improving fertility.

Success Stories: Our Herbal Babies

We are proud to say that we have helped hundreds of women achieve pregnancy. The pictures of these “herbal babies” proudly cover the walls of our clinic, a testament to the effectiveness of our approach.

Who Can Get Pregnant and How Long Does It Take?

As long as you are menstruating and ovulating, you may still become pregnant. We have successfully helped women in their late forties conceive and deliver healthy babies, even those who have just begun early menopause with elevated FSH levels.

For most women, the treatment program typically lasts 1-3 months. However, conditions such as PCOS, POF, endometriosis, and fibroids may require longer treatment, as these conditions often interfere with ovulation. On average, women in their 40s may need 3-6 weeks longer than those in their 30s to conceive.

 For men with low sperm count or poor sperm quality, treatments usually take 2-4 months. We closely monitor basal body temperature charts to ensure patients have a stable chart for 30 consecutive days before attempting conception. The body’s reproductive cycle takes 90-120 days for egg and sperm production, so both need to be healthy to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs Support IVF

If you choose IVF, it’s best to start acupuncture and herbal treatments three months before your procedure. Acupuncture and herbs will improve both egg and sperm quality since it takes 90 days for production. Treatment plans are customized based on the patient’s diagnosis and infertility factors.

While some infertility doctors may not encourage the use of herbal formulas during IVF due to concerns about drug interactions, skilled practitioners know when to avoid certain herbs. For example, when the uterine lining is thick at cycle 8-10 days , circulation herbs are avoided, and acupuncture is adjusted to prevent bleeding or stagnation.

It is critical to choose a licensed acupuncturist with specific training and experience in infertility, as the complexity and cost of IVF make proper guidance essential.

Our Success Rate

At Eastern Medicine Center, we have helped women aged 26-47 who had been trying to conceive for 2-4 years. Some patients had tried IVF up to 11 times or undergone IUI and other treatments with no success before coming to us as a last resort. With acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, we have achieved an over 80% success rate in helping these women conceive and deliver healthy babies.

One notable success story is that of a 47-year-old patient who had tried IUI and IVF 11 times over a 15-year period. After seven months of aggressive acupuncture and herbal treatments, she became pregnant and delivered a beautiful baby boy named David. Today, David is Dr. Jing Liu’s godson, a cherished symbol of the life-changing power of Eastern medicine.

Our infertility program is designed to restore balance to your body and help you achieve the dream of starting a family. Whether you are exploring natural fertility options or supplementing IVF treatments, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine offer a proven path to success. Contact us to start your fertility journey today.

Miracle babies by Dr. Liu & Dr. Wang

Lauren's story - PCOS

Lauren struggled with irregular menstrual cycles for over 8 years due to PCOS. After just 6 months of treatment with Dr. Liu, she was thrilled to find out she was pregnant.

TUB Blockage - Melissa's Journey:

Melissa’s left fallopian tube was blocked, but after 3 months of acupuncture and herbal treatments, her tube opened, her infection cleared, and she became pregnant.


Susan’s poor egg quality made it difficult to conceive, but Dr. Wang identified her issue and within 3 months of treatment, she successfully became pregnant.

Low AMH - Sonia & Sofia's Success:

Best friends Sonia and Sofia, both in their mid-40s with early menopause and low AMH, achieved the unimaginable—healthy pregnancies after 5 months of treatment. Two beautiful babies later, they are beyond grateful!